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Showing posts from 2021

Photography Update: Mother's Land

My Mother’s land, this isn’t her land but this is where she was born. I went to help her and my aunts clean out my grandmother’s old home and brought my camera. This is one of my favorite shots from that day as I am still developing and scanning the rest of the photos. It’s always fun and interesting to see where your parents grew up because most of our parents come from the country and the country really doesn’t change. Hearing the stories, her and my aunts told, are always fun to hear because we forget they were young once too. This was also my first time trying out Kodak TMAX 400 and at first, I did not like it but it grew on me as I started to edit it. I might get this framed.

I made a documentary and this is what I learned

I can honestly say I put my all into this documentary. Here is a quick back story. I went to school with one of the founders of Savage Squad who goes by the name Warlord Willy but we’ll call him Will for right now. Will hit me up and asked if I could record some of the workouts for them and at the time, I just got laid off my old job due to COVID so I said yes. It was something that allowed me to get out the house and get out of my mind. When you lose a job unexpectedly something happens to your mind and it turns your whole world upside down. As a creative when this happens sometimes you fall into a minor state of depression, actually that depression state can happen to anyone. I went to a couple of their practices and training sections to record promos for their upcoming fights.  The whole experience was amazing in hindsight. They were all intense yet hand this brotherly bond that was great to see. Little did I know, I was developing my eye and sharping my editing skills doing this fa


I have to start by saying I’m not a Tyler the Creator fan. Back in 2011 or 2012 when Odd Future first dropped, I did not care much for them as a group. I think it had to do with their antics and lack of quality music. At the time I felt they were just edgy kids trying to make a name for themselves and they just so happen to make music. Thinking back on it now we were all the same age. I didn’t think their sideshow measured up to their music. Plus, I always felt like Odd Future was nothing more than edgy suburban music for kids who drove around in their parents Jeep yelling out f**k their parents. You know, the type that hated their parents but their parents got/give them everything they wanted. Nowadays that’s just hip-hop in some areas of music. Even though I was not a fan of OF I was a fan of their branding.   Photo by Dino Kuznik Early on they understood the meaning and purpose of brand identity, specially Tyler. From creative album covers, to videos and photo shoots. Even with al

Getting off Instagram for my art(photography project update)

Lately I've been doing a small passion project studying light and shadow. Ever since, I've noticed that my colors are better and I'm more focused on what the scene/composition of a shot. I’m more concerned with what’s going on in the frame, I’m becoming more intential with what I want to capture in my photos. The movement of people, places, and atmosphere are becoming more important to me. In this project I am trying to capture what summer feels like here in Atlanta, Ga. The project is called Summer Time in Atlanta. Honestly, I don't have a real name for this project yet but so far, I can call it fun and an enjoyable experience. I might make a book or small zine and give it to my family and friends just to say thank you for your support. I haven't posted any of this on Instagram because I'm starting not to like that platform anymore. I don't find it enjoyable, nowadays, it just doesn't seem fun. It's starting to become a huge advertising platform.  

How the Nikon AF point and shoot saved my life

So, it has been 4 years. Within that time, a lot of things have happened. I think I can fit all that in the first paragraph. I graduated from college with a really good GPA, I got a job at a medical advertising place(if you can call it that) doing graphic design work, got laid off because of that thing they called COVID, was unemployed for a while, got a job now at a local TV station, and that’s about it(kind of). In between that just sprinkle in days and nights of sadness, loss of loved ones, depression(I guess), going to therapy, being dumped by my therapist(that’s a whole-nother story), and also moments of pure joy. Mix that all together and you’d get a normal person trying to survive and be happy in this world. In between that time, I picked up on a new/old hobby, which is film photography.     I’ve been on this film photography journey for about 2 years now and I’m in love with it. But I reached a point at the end of 2020 and the beginning of this year where I hated it. Not just