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Showing posts from 2017

The War of Art

So, I am an insecure creative also known as an artist. After school, it has been hard to find a job in the field that I studied in and I want to give up so I turned to the one thing that gives me joy in life movies and YouTube. While exploring YouTube I found a video called The War of Art and watched it and it was inspiring because I was going through what every artist goes through at one point which is something called Resistance. I bought the book that the video was based on at my local book store which is ten miles away from my home. I am not done with it yet because I am a slow reader when it comes to reading not because I can’t read but because I just read slow. Reading and writing was not my best subject in school and I had to take remedial reading and writing classes in college and in high school, well not really in high school but in college I did for a semester but I tested out of reading and writing wasn’t my strong suite but I enjoy it from time to time. I used to enjoy

Spider-Man Homecoming First Impressions (A GREAT START!!)

So, I am writing this to tell you guys my first impressions of the new Spider-Man Movie, Spider-Man Homecoming, and all I can say is…it’s a movie. I am going to be honest I am planning on watching it again just to give you a full review on how I feel about it. I will start off by saying it was a good movie but it wasn’t great or mind blowing as everyone claimed it was going to be. This was an advertised to the core movie with posters, toys, commercials, underwear, future games the works, watches, NBA, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, the guy down the street, and much more. But that is what I hated about this movie, the hype. I loved the movie but it was good just wasn’t great. The action sequences were great and it gives the true Spider-Man feel that we see in the comics and the games throughout the years. I loved the way Spider-Man interacted with the world around him which played into his title as the “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man”, I loved that about this movie. I loved the cast, they

Baby Driver (Spoilers)

Baby Driver is a great film, there is nothing else to say about it. It is about a young kid named Baby who can, for some reason NOT TRULY EXPLAINED BUT NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE, drive like a Nascar racer that had sex with one of the drivers from The Fast and the Furious. The movie never explained it or talked about it, or maybe it did but I don’t remember, but it was one of those okay he can drive who cares type of things. I loved everything from the music, the driving, the scenery, and the cast. The movie has its ups and downs something I will talk about later. You know what, I’m trying to find a way to structure this but I am just going to flat out say that I loved this movie. This is what happens when you give a director who knows what they are doing full creative control over their vision. The music in this movie was phenomenal. The music selection fit in perfectly with the driving but also with the scenes and shots as well. Most people will look at this movie and think thi

My dilemma and my interest

Not only am I going to talk about the things that interest me on this blog I want to talk about the things that I am going through maybe not life related, well kind of, but mostly creatively and what is going on. I want to talk about my portfolio or some of the stuff in it. Lately I’ve been looking for jobs and I’ve had some luck but nothing concrete as of yet. So, I’m going to say I’ve been depressed, it just seems as though I have given up but in that giving up I’ve done research on why I am giving up. Okay, let me say I’m not giving up, I am just slowing down my process and in that I have found why I have not gotten any luck with work. It is particularly to do with my portfolio and I have come to the realization that it is not my portfolio it is me; my portfolio does not reflect what I want to do as an artist or a designer. While listening to One Fantastic Week, a weekly podcast about fantasy artist, they were doing a portfolio website critique. I have seen this video advertised on

My Review: Melodrama

Let me start off by saying, it is about time. I’ve been a fan of Lorde since the moment I heard Royal on her debut album Pure Heroine . She had a unique voice and style that was unmatched at the time and is still duplicated today and at the time she was only sixteen or seventeen if I can remember correctly, anyway, her presents and impact would have a dramatic effect on the alternative music scene. I love her deep rich tenor tone that we are so used to hearing from her and mixed with the upbeat, jazzy, dark, and sometimes poppy music that is present on this album makes her music that much enjoyable. If you can’t tell I am a huge Lorde fan. In her sophomore album Melodrama, it sounds like the same Lorde but more mature and more experimental with her approach. Just like her first album I don’t know if she writes her own songs but I know she has creative freedom in which she presents them or see seems like she does because of her unique approach to her music. Everything about

MY NEWS: The Philando Castile Verdict

I’ve been reading and doing some research about the verdict on the Philando Castile case where the jury found the officer who shot and killed Philando Castile four times while in the car with his girlfriend and his daughter in the back seat. It is sad that this happened but also as a black man in America I can honestly say I am not surprised. There is a joke by Dave Chappelle that saids “black people know the law”, if I can find the video I will post it, and thinking about it that statement is true.  **His point starts at 1:40 but the whole video is accurate**   Ever since I could remember I was told to obey the law not because it was the right thing to do but because as a young black male I had to. There is no getting out the car yelling at the officer, there is no back talking, and there was no getting on my phone while an officer was trying to talk to me. I was told to obey the law because my family cared about me and they knew and I know now that the law was not made for b

Its been a while

Hey, how’s it been, I know it’s been five years since I’ve last posted anything on here but I’m here now. A lot has happened in that time, I think I was at Georgia Perimeter last time I posted anything on here so let’s catch up. I’ve been going to school and majored in graphic design from Georgia State, oh yeah, I got in and man, that might have been the toughest thing I had ever done other than FAMU but let’s not talk about that. I am a way better illustrator now but the passion to create kind of left me or in other words I don’t see drawing as fun as I use to but hopefully that will change. I’ve done a lot of growing up but in growing up I lost passion in some of the stuff that gave me joy. My creative eye got better but my motivation diminished and I thought to myself, when was the last time I enjoyed creating and finding creative things to do and I thought of this blog. Looking through some old post they are horrible but the love is there the love was always there. Finding things