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Showing posts from July, 2021

Photography Update: Mother's Land

My Mother’s land, this isn’t her land but this is where she was born. I went to help her and my aunts clean out my grandmother’s old home and brought my camera. This is one of my favorite shots from that day as I am still developing and scanning the rest of the photos. It’s always fun and interesting to see where your parents grew up because most of our parents come from the country and the country really doesn’t change. Hearing the stories, her and my aunts told, are always fun to hear because we forget they were young once too. This was also my first time trying out Kodak TMAX 400 and at first, I did not like it but it grew on me as I started to edit it. I might get this framed.

I made a documentary and this is what I learned

I can honestly say I put my all into this documentary. Here is a quick back story. I went to school with one of the founders of Savage Squad who goes by the name Warlord Willy but we’ll call him Will for right now. Will hit me up and asked if I could record some of the workouts for them and at the time, I just got laid off my old job due to COVID so I said yes. It was something that allowed me to get out the house and get out of my mind. When you lose a job unexpectedly something happens to your mind and it turns your whole world upside down. As a creative when this happens sometimes you fall into a minor state of depression, actually that depression state can happen to anyone. I went to a couple of their practices and training sections to record promos for their upcoming fights.  The whole experience was amazing in hindsight. They were all intense yet hand this brotherly bond that was great to see. Little did I know, I was developing my eye and sharping my editing skills doing this fa