Hey, how’s it been, I know it’s been five years since I’ve
last posted anything on here but I’m here now. A lot has happened in that time,
I think I was at Georgia Perimeter last time I posted anything on here so let’s
catch up. I’ve been going to school and majored in graphic design from Georgia
State, oh yeah, I got in and man, that might have been the toughest thing I had
ever done other than FAMU but let’s not talk about that. I am a way better
illustrator now but the passion to create kind of left me or in other words I don’t
see drawing as fun as I use to but hopefully that will change. I’ve done a lot
of growing up but in growing up I lost passion in some of the stuff that gave
me joy. My creative eye got better but my motivation diminished and I thought
to myself, when was the last time I enjoyed creating and finding creative
things to do and I thought of this blog. Looking through some old post they are
horrible but the love is there the love was always there. Finding things I liked,
talking about them, doing research on the people that inspired me, it was all
there now I need to get back to that. Even though I graduated from college a
month ago, I think…I can’t really remember, it seems like finding a job I want
is harder than school or anything else that I have done. Just thinking to the
person I was when I started this and comparing him to who I am now I wouldn’t stand
a chance. I am more skilled, knowledgeable, and more resourceful but he was
more motivated, hardworking, and hungry. I remember staying up all night
writing about a shoe or a mixtape I liked and not caring who reads it but
present day me, I want people to know who I am and is this reaching the masses
but I must combine both those ways of thinking. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff
lately in hopes people like it because I have to make a living somehow but I can’t
forget the passion that goes along with it and that was something the old me
never forgot.
So, I am going to do that. You will see me post things that
inspire me from art, to design, movies, sports, entertainment, politics, and
anything else that I find that interest me. I’m rebranding myself and this blog
and I want to be more committed this time. I work more now at two part-time
jobs but I promise to post something every week. I’ve learned that you must jab
at your opponent because if you go in trying to swing haymakers and knockouts
in the first round you will tire yourself out so for now I will be taking jabs
at this blog until I finally knock it out the park. I would list things you
should expect but just stay tuned for more.
Twitter: Jermpod
Photography: Jhenry_photo