I've looked over my blog and I can tell that most of the featured post that most of you guys like are articles so now I'm on the process on making another article. I don't know what it is going to be about yet but just stay tuned for more, but trust me it is going to be something to talk about. Also I'm not changing the appearance of my blog because I'm liking it, to me it looks pretty cool. I'm starting to like this blog thing as well plus I'm taking writing classes so this gives my writing more depth. Also thank you guys the blog is really becoming more and more successful and becoming more known around the web. More quality post coming soon before I forget to mention more from the Day-To-Day, the Magazine, Art by Jeri, && more. So thank you guys && ENJOY!!!
what do u think about the blog? what are somethings I can work on? && anything else i have to know.