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Showing posts from October, 2011

Lebron Flocka James 3

Waka has single handedly becom e one of the best underground rapper. Check out the video at the bottom of the post. For a guy that is not really mainstream he is really doing well for himself, selling out show, features, and much more. So check out Waka's newest mixtape Lebron Flocka James 3  and ENJOY!!! 


There are going to be some changes around here!!! There going to be some changes as far as everything is concerned. I am trying to turn this into a true online magazine so I am looking for writers, artist, and many more. I am excited about this and you guys should be too so ENJOY!!!    

Space Invaders 8 [hosted by 2 Chainz && Cap1]

This has to be a classic mixtape series it is slowly becoming a well known series like Gangsta Grillz use to be. This mixtape features many up and coming artist and some you may already know. Just to name a few this mixtape consist of people such as Waka Flocka, Future, Travis Porter, Band Geakz, Rich Kidz, and many more. The song selection is pretty good but listening to this and listening to the first couple of tapes I gives you a feel of how Atlanta and the industry has changed over the years. To be honest this volume is pretty good but my favorite has to be Space Invaders 2 . It had that classic ATL feel from back in those days but this tape is good too, it is just that the feel of Atlanta has changed and so has the tape. Do not get me wrong this tape is good but it shows and gives you a clear example of how times have changed and that another reason why I like it. So check out Space Invaders 8 and give me your opinion on it. ENJOY!!!


YES!!  I finally made the Facebook Page  this is for all those who want to keep up with the blog but can't alway click on the blog. This is also a way for me to spread my information out quicker as well so check it out && ENJOY!!! ping rss

iLTHY [[Video]]

I found this video pretty interesting to say the least. This is a perfect example of how you should always try to perfect your craft. Check out these new bags from iLTHY and the creative process that goes along with them. The craftsmanship is what really blew my mind away, I know the time spent on this was and had to be a long process. The video has to be inspirational to people who are trying to take that big step into the clothing industry like me and countless others. ENJOY!!! 

Nike Air Foamposite One ''All White''

I am going to be honest I was never into the Nike Air Foamposite One's to begin with, I always thought they were an over rated over priced shoe. Then I have been hearing rumors about an all white pair but like all great products theirs a catch. These were personally made by Marc Dolce himself, the guy who has made a name for himself for making custom Nike Air Foamposites. This time he made these for Penny Hardaway but do not get your hopes up because he only made one pair. So enjoy the images because that is as close as your going to get to a pair of these.


ReA TV is finally back on the air. For most of you who do not know of ReA TV this is basically something that gives you a look at what we, as in Chill Mode, do when we are working and just hanging out. You are going to see us as we ride around our city, the city of Stone Mountain, as we try to figure out a way to become successful. In these mini episodes you will laugh but you will also see us as we try to find our way in this world. What I am basically trying to say is that in these episodes you will see the true characteristics of Chill Mode brought to you by Kidd ReA himself. Trust me you are going to enjoy these episodes, so sit back as you witness the evolution and the come up of Chill Mode. 

Zip Kennedy: Sky Republic [[RECAP]]

Let me say this, this has got to be one hell of a collection of songs. If you listened from beginning to end you can tell that time and effort was put into his mixtape. Every song was placed on the tape in perfect order, let me elaborate on that for a second. Each song was put in a pacific place and order for the listener to feel a certain emotion while listening to the mixtape. This is one aspect of not only mixtapes but also albums in general have been missing for a couple years now. The tape was good but I look further to hearing even more good quality music from Zip Kennedy. The track or tracks that stood out to me would have to be Tokyo , I have no idea why but the feel of that song is just epic. The other tacks would be SFU, No Tomorrow, Never Again featuring Latoya Quattropani, also Boom Boom Bang featuring Mckenzie, and a host of others . If you have not heard Zip Kennedy's Mixtape Sky Republic hit up now. If you are looking for a collection of songs that

Zip Kennedy: Sky Republic

CHECK IT OUT!!! Click Here!!!

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

He was a genius, a entrepreneur, a voice of a generation, and also a man who changed the way we live our lives. Rest In Peace   Steve Jobs.